
Dive into our insights, expertise, and company culture. We've been blogging since 2008, so enjoy our articles.

$600 Online Marketing Scholarship

By Tim Priebe | June 4, 2013

It’s June, which means we’re halfway through our 10 years of awesomeness celebration. And we’ve got a great giveaway this month for those of you who do any online marketing and love educational opportunities.

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Are You Losing Trust With Your Blog?

By Tim Priebe | May 28, 2013

People do business with those they know, like, and trust. If you want people to do business with you, you need some way of establishing that trust. That way, people will feel comfortable approaching you and doing business with you. But if you’re not careful, you may actually be losing that trust with your blog!

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How to Blog in Your Own Voice

By Tim Priebe | May 14, 2013

Your readers need to feel like you’re a real person. Otherwise your blog will feel cold and impersonal. While your actual content might be great, the delivery makes a huge difference. Of course, it’s easy for me to say you should write in your own voice. But how do you actually do that?

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Blogging for Search Engines

By Tim Priebe | May 7, 2013

Most people that are in business want potential clients and customers to find them. And since we’re in the 21st century, more and more of those people are using Google and other search engines to look for you. So how can you ensure they’ll be able to find you?

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Mobile May Madness!

By Holly Kosec | May 1, 2013

If you’ve been following along this year, you’ll know we have been celebrating our 10th year anniversary every month this year with giveaways, specials, and contests. This month we have an especially awesome offer for any of our current clients, as well as new clients. We’ve dubbed it Mobile May Madness! (Not to be confused with March Madness)

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April 2013 Million Dollar Giveaway Winner

By Holly Kosec | April 23, 2013

All this year, we have been having giveaways, specials, and contests for our 10 Years of Awesomeness Celebration. April is no different! We started out on April 1st with our Million Dollar Giveaway. The plan was to give away a million dollars to one lucky organization, but we got stopped halfway through our video by Tim’s wife, Leann. It turns out we don’t really have those kinds of resources (yet).

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Building your audience: Just ask

By Tim Priebe | April 15, 2013

As we already know, marketing online requires an audience. If you have no audience, you’re wasting your time marketing online. But many people trying to market their organization on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn struggle with building that audience. Last time, we looked at building your audience by doing them a favor. But taking one more step greatly increases your chances of getting them on board. Simply put…

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Building your audience: Do a favor

By Tim Priebe | April 9, 2013

It’s pointless to market online without having an audience. Whether it’s Likes on Facebook, Followers on Twitter or LinkedIn, or people who have you in their Circles on Google+, you need to build an audience before you need an audience. So what can you do to build your audience online?

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One Million Dollar Giveaway

By Holly Kosec | April 1, 2013

Each month this year we have had great offers and giveaways that people can take advantage of in honor of our 10-year anniversary, and April is no exception. In fact, we are pretty sure we have outdone ourselves this time. April’s giveaway is nothing short of totally awesome. We are, in fact, giving away one million dollars.

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Your email marketing plan simplified: The frequency

By Tim Priebe | March 26, 2013

So now that you know the purpose behind your email newsletter and what your plan is for the content, one question remains. How often should you send out your email newsletter? It seems like everyone who runs an email newsletter has an opinion.

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