
Articles written by Tim Priebe

Avoid online marketing overload

By Tim Priebe | May 13, 2014

If you’re just getting started marketing your organization online, all the options out there can get overwhelming. There are a lot of tools and options available. It can be challenging to even wrap your mind around it all!

I’ve organized a lot of the options out there into eight different tools and strategies. Although there’s a lot of overlap, this should help you understand what various online marketing options are out there.

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OOMPHcast #4: Mike Koehler – Market online by listening first

By Tim Priebe | May 7, 2014

My guest for this episode was Mike Koehler, with Smirk New Media here in Oklahoma. Mike talks about how you should start your online marketing by listening. And when you do start sharing, Mike has the right mix for content, which he calls the 3 C’s. Also, Mike talks about the advantages of experimenting with a personal account first, and why dermatologists shouldn’t talk about their sandwiches online.

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Linking social networks together

By Tim Priebe | May 6, 2014

From time to time, someone will ask me about linking social media websites together to make it less work when they update them. For example, if they update Facebook, they might want to automatically update Twitter with the same information.

I’ve found it quickly gets confusing when someone has LinkedIn connected to Twitter connected to Facebook, or some variation of that idea. To make matters worse, that kind of setup tends to break a lot and causes quite a bit of frustration.

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OOMPHcast #3: Mike Crandall – How to use LinkedIn proactively

By Tim Priebe | April 23, 2014

My guest for this episode was Mike Crandall, with Sandler Training here in Oklahoma. I’m actually a client of Mike’s, and he’s a client of my company, T&S Web Design, as well. Mike talks about how marketing and sales should play nice together. He also shares some tips for proactively using LinkedIn, and the benefit of blocking out time for social media.

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Consistency online equals trust

By Tim Priebe | April 22, 2014

One of the primary goals when marketing online is to get people to know, like, trust, and value you. Because that’s what it takes for people to do business with you, or so the saying goes. But one of the more challenging aspects of that is the trust factor. How can you get people to trust you online?

The key is consistency.

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OOMPHcast #2: Chris Dodds – Phased approach to online marketing

By Tim Priebe | April 9, 2014

Chris Dodds was my guest for this episode, from FocusFire IT Consulting, Websites Need Words, and T&S Web Design, which is actually my company. Chris shares info about the online marketing he’s done with the multiple companies he’s run and been involved in. Specifically, he shares the phased approach he used when marketing Websites Need Words.

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OOMPHcast #1: Kyle Golding – Know your market and audience

By Tim Priebe | March 24, 2014

For the inaugural episode of OOMPHcast, I’ve interviewed Kyle Golding with The Golding Group. They’re a strategic planning, positioning, and branding agency with an office in Oklahoma City. They specialize in businesses and nonprofits focused on growth and longevity. Kyle shares some great information from his years of experience, including information specific to nonprofits, and the importance of knowing your market and audience when marketing online.

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Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Engagement

By Tim Priebe | March 11, 2014

All too often, clients come to me confessing that they feel like they’ve failed when marketing online on their own. I know that for every time I hear that confession, there are many others that are keeping their feeling of failure a secret.

For some of those, that frustration can easily be avoided, simply by sticking to some specific steps in a specific order.

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Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Your Audience

By Tim Priebe | March 4, 2014

If you feel embarrassed because you feel like you’re failing on your Facebook page, email newsletter, blog, or YouTube channel, you’re not alone. Plenty of people get discouraged because they feel like they haven’t met with success marketing online.

If that’s you, the reality is that you may have just missed one key step, or gotten the steps a little out of order.

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Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Consistency

By Tim Priebe | February 25, 2014

It’s common to feel frustrated when marketing your company online. It doesn’t matter if you’re blogging, using social media, or sending out an email newsletter. If it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can feel like a failure.

But feeling like a failure is often simply a result of doing some key online marketing steps in the wrong order, or leaving out steps altogether.

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