
Articles written by Tim Priebe

Blogging to demonstrate expertise

By Tim Priebe | September 16, 2014

People do business with those they know, like, trust, and value. A huge part of that is trust. People trust you in part when you establish yourself as an expert before they even meet you. So how can a blog help you establish that expertise?

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OOMPHcast #13: Terrell Sanders – How church staff should use Facebook

By Tim Priebe | September 10, 2014

Terrell Sanders, founder and president of Main Street Enterprises, was my guest for our thirteenth episode. Terrell shared why church staff should use their personal accounts on Facebook, how targeting specific audiences on Facebook can be done, and some common concerns churches have about getting on social media.

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7 best practices to build your audience online

By Tim Priebe | September 9, 2014

Social media management can be a challenge. You have to worry about setting up sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn the correct way. You have to share updates on a consistent basis. And you need to build your audience.

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4 tips for your web video strategy

By Tim Priebe | September 2, 2014

YouTube has been the second most popular search engine since 2008, beating out all other search engines except Google. And Google actually owns YouTube, and incorporates videos into its main search results. Also, almost all adult Internet users have watched videos online.

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OOMPHcast #12: Mike Hoang – KM Marketing

By Tim Priebe | August 27, 2014

Mike Hoang was my guest for episode twelve. Mike is with KM Marketing. He shared three tips for online marketing, what the mindset of the typical Facebook and Twitter user looks like, and a specific tip for Facebook involving photos.

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OOMPHcast #11: Jill Castilla – Citizens Bank of Edmond

By Tim Priebe | August 13, 2014

My guest for episode 11 was Jill Castilla, President & CEO of Citizens Bank of Edmond. Jill shared how looking at social media as conversations has helped, why Twitter is her social media platform of choice, and the story of how Citizens Bank accidentally ended up on YouTube.

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The 3 best MailChimp features

By Tim Priebe | August 12, 2014

If you’re running an email newsletter, or considering starting one, there are a lot of options out there to choose from. The decision making process isn’t always easy. But we at T&S have consistently recommended MailChimp for the last few years. Here are a few features that may resonate with you. At the very least, they’re features I’ve found useful.

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Build your company’s LinkedIn followers, guaranteed

By Tim Priebe | August 5, 2014

For many, it’s a no-brainer to have a presence on LinkedIn. And many organizations go beyond making sure their staff have profiles, but actually create a Company Page as well. But what good does that do if nobody’s following your company? And how do you get followers? Fortunately, you can use a method I’ve tested that has proven to increase LinkedIn followers.

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OOMPHcast #10: Tim Priebe – Why online marketing fails

By Tim Priebe | July 30, 2014

For our tenth episode, I was the guest! I shared four concepts that, if you don’t understand them, can lead to either the perception of failure, or actual failure, when marketing online. I spoke about the whole point, the right order, your recipe for content, and the point of optimization.

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Your social media strategy

By Tim Priebe | July 29, 2014

You’re probably not guilty of this, but many people hop on social media simply because they think they’re supposed to. But if you don’t have a social media strategy, you’ll be wasting time, money, and resources. So how do you determine that strategy?

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