
Articles written by Tim Priebe

OOMPHcast #19: Matthew Barnett – Search engine rankings

By Tim Priebe | December 3, 2014

For episode 19 of the podcast, my guest was Matthew Barnett, SEO Strategist with VI Marketing and Branding. Although he lives in Kansas City, Missouri, he works with a lot of companies in Oklahoma City because his company is based out of OKC.

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Creating your MailChimp Campaign

By Tim Priebe | December 2, 2014

When you first sign up for MailChimp, you set up your account, create your list, and create a template. Those are typically all one-time activities. So once those are done, it’s time to start creating Campaigns.

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OOMPHcast #18: Jared Miller – Online lead generation and nurturing

By Tim Priebe | November 19, 2014

For our 18th episode, I interviewed Jared Miller, Digital Strategist at Third Degree Advertising in Oklahoma City. Jared shared why you should be nurturing your leads online, the benefit of long form content, and the different types of online content to use.

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OOMPHcast #17: Melissa Richey – Rebranding, blogging, and stories

By Tim Priebe | November 5, 2014

For episode seventeen, my guest was Melissa Richey, Marketing Coordinator at The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital. Melissa shared the rebranding process they went through, the blogging strategy they use, and how they market online by sharing stories.

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Online marketing book and consultation giveaway

By Tim Priebe | November 4, 2014

When talking to people about utilizing blogs and social media for their business or nonprofit, I frequently hear, “I know I should be doing it, but have no clue what I’d write about.” If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone!

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Online photo sharing platforms

By Tim Priebe | October 28, 2014

It can be difficult to determine where you should display your photos online. A good first step is to review the different options that are out there. While this is certainly not a complete list, here are some of the more popular places to display and share your photos online.

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OOMPHcast #16: Casey Cornett – Social media comparison

By Tim Priebe | October 22, 2014

For episode sixteen, my guest was Casey Cornett, social media director at VI Marketing and Branding. Casey shared why Facebook is the best social media platform for targeted paid advertising, which three social networks should be given priority, and how LinkedIn should be viewed differently than other social networks.

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Determining the best online photo sharing location

By Tim Priebe | October 21, 2014

Many organizations have a need to display photos online. It may be for products, services, events, staff, their location, or something else entirely. In years past, it was fairly obvious where those photos went: On their website. But now that social media is an option, including some websites that revolve around photo sharing, the water seems a bit muddied. So how do you determine where your photos should go online?

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OOMPHcast #15: Kathy Harms – Nonprofit event marketing

By Tim Priebe | October 8, 2014

My guest for the fifteenth episode of OOMPHcast was Kathy Harms, Executive Director of Teen emPower! She shared how her organization utilizes Facebook, the unique way they use email to promote their annual fundraiser, and why she hates links that trick you.

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OOMPHcast #14: Zach Nash – The City of Oklahoma City social media

By Tim Priebe | September 24, 2014

Zach Nash, creative manager for the City of Oklahoma City, was my guest for episode fourteen of the podcast. Zach shared how the City of Oklahoma City got on Twitter, how being prepared ahead of time helps, and the importance of keeping your own copy of your content.

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