
Articles written by Tim Priebe

When should you use email marketing automation?

By Tim Priebe | August 30, 2017

A lot of emails sent to a subscription list have content that changes each time, like what we call a blog delivery system or BDS newsletter. These emails are a simple way to get your new blog entry in front of people and help drive traffic to your website.

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How to vet nonprofit marketing consultants

By Tim Priebe | August 16, 2017

At T&S, we have worked with a lot of nonprofits. Probably because I’m known as a bleeding heart who really loves helping nonprofits, especially those who fall into the social services category.

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The simple way to get on Google

By Tim Priebe | August 2, 2017

As an online marketing consultant and speaker, I frequently get asked about how companies can improve their Google (or other search engine) rankings.

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A one-page website without WordPress

By Tim Priebe | July 12, 2017

A website without WordPress? Sounds like heresy! We’re huge fans of WordPress here at T&S, but even we know it isn’t always the answer.

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How to generate (qualified) leads with online video

By Tim Priebe | June 28, 2017

Sure, videos look awesome, but you need to make money, right? Of course you do! And for many businesses, generating leads is the key to measurable return on your online video investment. But anyone can generate leads online. Qualified leads are even better!

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Instant messaging on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe | June 7, 2017

Recently, LinkedIn made some pretty major changes to how messages can work on their platform. Among other things, they added some features that let messages function more like instant messaging, similar to Facebook.

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How to invest money (not time) to increase traffic to your site

By Tim Priebe | May 10, 2017

Okay, so last week I shared one strategic way to invest time (not money) to increase traffic to your website.

Some organizations have more time than cash as a resource, so time is a solution that makes sense in their worlds. But what if you have the opposite situation?

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How to invest time (not money) to increase traffic to your site

By Tim Priebe | May 3, 2017

A lot of people I talk to are wary about putting a financial investment toward getting traffic to their site, because they’re not sure it will bring them any kind of return on that investment.

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Introducing Tuan Pham, videographer extraordinaire

By Tim Priebe | April 21, 2017

Introducing our new videographer! Okay, okay, he’s not really that new, but we kept him a little under wraps because we wanted to reveal our new video services with a big bang!

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Online video platform options

By Tim Priebe | April 19, 2017

Hooray for online videos! With the demand for online video only increasing, smart marketers should definitely be considering it as a tool in their digital marketing toolbox. If you decide to use it, part of your strategy is deciding which video platform makes the most sense for you.

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