
Articles written by Chloé Gee

Facebook Insights 101

By Chloé Gee | June 13, 2018

Do you have a business Facebook account that you use to promote your brand? If so, have you ever poked around the free Facebook Insights?

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What’s your [social media] story?

By Chloé Gee | June 6, 2018

If you’ve been on social media recently, you’ve probably seen the ‘Stories’ feature become popular across your favorite platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Have you been wondering where it came from, what it’s all about, and how you can leverage it in your digital marketing? Well it’s your lucky day, because this blog is for you!

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Five tips for creating awesome cell phone videos

By Chloé Gee | April 11, 2018

Welcome to the year 2018, where 95 percent of Americans own a cell phone of some kind! The large majority of those devices are indeed smartphones, which utilize an operating system to function like a mini computer. Gone are the days of having to purchase expensive equipment to create video. Today’s smartphones provide impressive camera technology and an expansive array of supporting applications at your fingertips. That means anyone can create high-quality video whenever they want!

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Do you even Snapchat?

By Chloé Gee | April 4, 2018

I love Snapchat. In fact, I’m totally that 20-something millennial you see taking photos and videos of the most random things just to populate my all-important Snapchat story. Snapchat is great for connecting with friends and staying in touch with family. It’s also an easy tool to catch up on the daily headlines and even watch stories from every corner of the world. It’s pretty fantastic—just don’t ask me about the most recent update. #StillSalty

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Should your business be on Instagram?

By Chloé Gee | March 7, 2018

Businesses everywhere, both small and large, are joining the Insta-craze—and for good reason. Human beings are visual by nature. In fact, we can process images 60,000 times fast than text! Instagram’s focus on image first and text second has driven its success as a social platform, as evident by its 500 million daily active users.

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