How I balance being a business owner and a mom

By Leann Priebe on October 16, 2024

By Leann Priebe on October 16, 2024

Running a business while being a mom to three boys sounds like a juggling act—and it often feels that way! But over the years, I’ve learned that it’s possible to manage both, and even enjoy the process, with a little flexibility, a lot of planning, and the right mindset. Here’s a peek into how I navigate life as both a business owner and a mom to three amazing (and busy!) boys: Josh, Jackson, and Jacob.

The art of switching gears

In any given day, I’m bouncing between so many roles—dropping the boys off at school, scheduling social media posts, folding laundry, interviewing a client for their monthly content, then maybe heading to a choir concert by the end of the day.

It’s never the same routine twice, but I thrive on the variety. I think one of the keys to balancing everything is just being okay with switching gears constantly and accepting that you’ll always have a lot on your plate.

Working with the boys in a family business

Our boys are more than just part of the family—they’re also part of the business!

  • Josh, who’s in college but lives across the street, is currently our video intern.
  • Jackson, our 17-year-old, works behind the scenes for our website clients.
  • Jacob, our youngest at 11, is the star of our YouTube series Jacob Explains the Internet that we shot back when he was 9.

It’s honestly a lot of fun having them involved. They listen well, and we’ve aligned their roles with their strengths and natural personalities, just like we would with any team member. It’s pretty cool to see them contribute to the family business while growing their own skills.

Lists and calendars

If there are two things that keeps me sane, it’s my to-do lists and my calendar.

Everything goes on the calendar—work meetings, client interviews, and even family events. I rely on it to keep things organized and ensure I’m not dropping any balls. Sure, there’s some flexibility (especially when life happens), but having everything scheduled and on a list keeps me on track.

It’s worth it

If I could give one piece of advice to moms out there trying to juggle it all, it’s this: You can do it! It’s not always easy, but it is absolutely doable—and worth it. There are days when it feels like chaos, but at the end of the day, seeing the boys thrive and the business grow makes it all worthwhile.

Scheduling time for myself

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that self-care has to be a priority, even when you’re running a business and managing a household. For me, that means regularly scheduled “girl time.” It’s on my calendar (and Tim’s), so there are no excuses.

I have friends who understand the craziness of my schedule, and that flexibility helps a lot. Even though the calendar is flexible when needed, having that time scheduled makes sure it actually happens.

Managing the unexpected

Let’s face it: life loves to throw curveballs. Whether it’s a business emergency or one of the boys needing extra attention, I’ve learned to prioritize. If it comes down to it, family is my top priority, hands down.

But when it’s possible, dividing and conquering between me and Tim works wonders. We’ve also built a great team both in the business and at home, which makes it easier to manage everything, especially when things get a little hectic.

What makes it all worthwhile

I’m incredibly proud of our three boys—watching them grow, develop their own interests, and even help out in the business has been amazing. But I’m also really proud of what Tim and I have built at Backslash Creative over the past 21 years. It hasn’t always been easy, but we’ve done it together, and that’s something to celebrate.

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