A brief history of Backslash Creative

By Tim Priebe on September 4, 2024

By Tim Priebe on September 4, 2024

When I founded this agency in 2003, I had no idea where it would lead. Originally known as T&S Web Design, we have since rebranded twice, most recently becoming Backslash Creative in 2023. Over the years, our focus has expanded, our team has grown, and our vision has evolved, but our core values have remained constant. We’ve always been about people—our clients, our team, and our community—and we’ve worked hard to build a company that reflects that commitment.

As I look back on the last 21 years, it’s been a whirlwind of change, growth, and learning. Let’s walk through the timeline of how we went from a one-man web design shop to a full-fledged digital marketing agency. Along the way, we’ve had some fun, worked hard, and, hopefully, made a positive impact.

2003: Founding as T&S Web Design

Back in 2003, I was a programmer who saw an opportunity in web design. At the time, the internet was still fairly new, and most small businesses, nonprofits, and churches either didn’t have a website or had something very basic. T&S Web Design was born out of a simple idea: organizations needed an online presence, and I could help them build it.

However, my journey into web design began even earlier, in 1996, when I built my first website. At the time, it was a rudimentary project hosted on GeoCities, but it sparked a passion that would later define my career. By 2003, I felt ready to turn that passion into a business, leveraging the skills I had gained over the years to create websites for local businesses, nonprofits, and churches. My first clients were small, often on tight budgets, but they needed a professional website, and I was eager to help.

I worked from home, hustling to find new clients while delivering high-quality websites that reflected their organizations. These early projects were basic but exciting. I was learning the ins and outs of running a business, managing clients, and ensuring I met their expectations. Back then, having any kind of website was a significant achievement for many, and I focused on making the process as simple and stress-free as possible. This customer-centric approach was foundational for what would come later.

2009–2010: Building culture with Fun Fridays and volunteering 

By 2009, the company had grown, and I had hired my first employees. It was becoming clear that building a strong, positive company culture would be essential for long-term success. I wanted T&S to be a place where people enjoyed coming to work—a place where we could balance the pressures of running a business with fun and community engagement.

That’s when we introduced Fun Fridays.

The idea was simple: every Friday, we’d take a two-hour break in the middle of the day to do something fun as a team. We started with everything from bocce ball tournaments to movie screenings and Wii bowling competitions. It was a great way to blow off steam, strengthen our relationships, and foster a sense of camaraderie.

As the years went on, Fun Fridays evolved into a more intentional part of our work culture. We now take a half-day off every other month to do something fun together as a team, and in the alternate months, we volunteer for a half-day. Volunteering has become just as important to us as having fun. It aligns with our values of relationships, teamwork, and gratitude. We believe that giving back to the community that supports us is essential, and we’re proud of the work we’ve done with various nonprofits over the years.

2014: Rebranding to T&S Online Marketing 

As we continued to grow, it became clear that the name “T&S Web Design” no longer reflected everything we did. By 2014, we were doing much more than just building websites. We were helping businesses, nonprofits, and churches with social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, and even video production. The digital landscape had changed, and so had we.

That’s when we rebranded to T&S Online Marketing. The new name better reflected our expanded services and our ability to help clients with a full range of digital marketing needs. The rebrand marked a significant shift for us, but it wasn’t just about changing the name—it was about solidifying our identity as a digital marketing agency. We continued to build websites, of course, but we were also becoming experts in helping our clients grow their online presence through strategic marketing efforts.

This was an exciting time for the business, as we began working with larger clients and more complex projects. The rebrand allowed us to communicate that we weren’t just a web design company anymore—we were a full-service marketing agency ready to tackle all aspects of digital marketing.

2020: Deepening commitment to strategy and creativity

By 2020, we had significantly expanded our service offerings once again. We weren’t just providing marketing services anymore; we were helping businesses, nonprofits, and churches develop comprehensive strategies for their entire online presence. Our clients weren’t just asking for help with websites or social media—they wanted us to help them figure out how to reach their audience effectively and consistently.

That’s when we began focusing heavily on strategy. We realized that great design, content, and marketing efforts all needed to be underpinned by a strong strategy that took the client’s goals, audience, and market into account. We started working closely with our clients to develop marketing plans that integrated all aspects of their digital marketing, from websites to social media to email campaigns and more.

At the same time, creativity became a bigger part of what we offered. We had always been proud of our design work, but in recent years, we had expanded our creative capabilities to include everything from branding and logo design to video production and photography. We wanted to make sure that everything we created not only looked great but also aligned with the client’s overall strategy and goals.

2023: Becoming Backslash Creative 

In 2023, after nearly a decade as T&S Online Marketing, we made the decision to rebrand once again—this time to Backslash Creative. The change reflected how much we had grown as a company. Over the years, we had expanded our services beyond marketing to include strategy, branding, design, and content creation. We were no longer just marketers; we were creative problem solvers.

The name “Backslash” was a nod to our digital roots. We have always been a digital-first company, and that’s never going to change. But the word “creative” was equally important. It reflected our commitment to helping clients think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to their marketing challenges.

Rebranding to Backslash Creative was a huge step for us, and it was the culmination of years of growth, learning, and refining our skills. We spent three years planning the rebrand, making sure that everything—from our new name to our logo to our messaging—accurately reflected who we are and where we’re headed.

The power of team and culture 

Throughout all of these changes, one thing has evolved significantly: my awareness and commitment to building a strong, supportive team culture. From the beginning, I’ve known that people are the heart of any business, but over the years, I became much more intentional about fostering a culture that reflects that belief. Early on, the focus was simply on getting the work done and making sure we were meeting our clients’ needs, but as the company grew, I realized that creating an environment where people genuinely enjoy working and feel supported is crucial to our long-term success.

What started as an informal approach to culture gradually became a more deliberate effort to build a team that thrives on collaboration, trust, and mutual respect. Fun Fridays, which we introduced back in 2009, were one of the first steps in this direction. They began as a lighthearted break from the workweek, but over time, they grew into a cornerstone of our company culture. Now, every other month, we take a half-day off to do something fun as a team—whether it’s going to a movie, painting, or just hanging out together.

In the alternate months, we focus on giving back to the community through volunteer days, where we spend a half-day working with local nonprofits. These activities aren’t just about having fun or fulfilling a social responsibility—they’re about building relationships, both within our team and with the community around us. As I’ve grown more intentional about company culture, I’ve come to see these moments as essential to reminding ourselves why we do what we do and keeping our core values front and center.

Looking ahead

As we look forward to the future, I couldn’t be more excited about where Backslash Creative is headed. The digital marketing world is constantly evolving, and we’re committed to staying at the forefront of that change. We’re continuing to grow our team, refine our services, and find new ways to help our clients succeed.

Whether it’s building a website, crafting a marketing strategy, or producing a video, we’re always looking for ways to push the boundaries of what’s possible and deliver the best results for our clients. After 21 years in business—and nearly 30 years since I built my first website in 1996—I know one thing for sure: the best is yet to come.

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