Have you received a bill for your domain name in the mail? You may be getting scammed. If you receive what looks like a bill for your domain name in the mail, it may be a company practicing some questionable (at best) marketing tactics.
There are several ways to know if the bill is a scam.
1. Read the bill carefully. Even if it looks like a bill, it will likely say something along the lines of, “This is not a bill.”
2. Call the company that set your website up for you. At T&S, we’re always happy to look over any bills you receive. It’s not uncommon when you switch hosting to accidentally be paying two companies for the same thing. We will let you know if it’s anything from an unnecessary expense to an outright scam.
3. Look up your domain name’s public registration information and see if it matches. Use a site like WHOis.net to look up your domain’s publicly available information. You’ll want to look for a line that says “Registered through” or “Registrar,” and that will tell you the company that it’s registered through. Of course, keep in mind that your web design company may pay that company on your behalf.
For more information on these scams, check out Wikipedia’s page on Domain name scams.
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Excellent explanation of this scam.
Thanks, Dusty!