Different Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace Workshops

By Tim Priebe on February 25, 2009

By Tim Priebe on February 25, 2009

T&S is offering workshops for Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace. While they may or may not be a good fit for you, there are a couple of things that differentiate us from others offering similar workshops:

Hands-on training

Our workshops are set in actual computer labs. You’ll actually set up your social networking website accounts right then and there during the workshops, if you haven’t already. Rather than taking notes and wondering later exactly we did everything, you can try it out and ask us questions immediately.

Spend less time

As with many of our endeavors, we’re focusing on small business owners. And if you’re a small business owner, you don’t have a lot of spare time. You may have seen your children or grandchildren spending hours and hours weekly (or even daily) on MySpace or Facebook.

Well, the good news is that you can get a lot of cheap marketing out of those websites without spending tons of time on them. We’ll teach you how to spend just an hour or two a week on the social networking websites and get some great use out of them.

Read more and register online. (Link no longer available.)

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