Consulting & Training

Do you need help figuring out where to start?

Want to do it yourself but still need professional guidance?

You can leverage digital marketing techniques to grow your business in many ways, but find the one that makes sense for your available time, energy, and investment.

At Backslash Creative, we believe that it shouldn't cost you tons of resources to find a solution that makes sense for you. We know you're not a marketing expert, and you don't have to be. We want to be your trusted partner in marketing, at whatever level you need.

Website Gap Assessment

Your website plays a big role in how people perceive you online. But if you're not a digital marketing guru, how do you truly know what your website needs? While some web design agencies might push for a total makeover, it's essential to know if you really need a new website or not. Our Website Gap Assessment will guide you through your site's strengths and areas for improvement.

Question-and-answer sessions

Want to have a face-to-face conversation with an expert in online marketing, instead of looking up answers online? You can schedule a meeting to ask any questions you have. Typically, we schedule appointments that are at minimum one-hour long in our office. If you want more than an hour, just let us know ahead of time!

Platform-specific training

If you know which platforms you want to use for your business, we can train you specifically on those, whether you need a basic training or are already familiar with the platform. If you want in-depth training on a platform you already know how to use, send specific questions our way before the training so we can better meet your needs.

Ongoing consulting

For ongoing consulting, we can cover any or all of our other consulting services in a monthly meeting. This is a good fit if you know you will want to rely on regular meetings about online marketing, or if you have a lot of broad questions about it.

Monthly meetings can help you budget for training and give you peace of mind that you will always have a time set aside to ask your online marketing questions.

Ready to get started?

Are you ready for us to share our expertise? We're here to help. Let's talk.