Case Study

The Golding Group

Our collaboration extends to fellow agencies. When The Golding Group faced a technical challenge, we were there to help.

Client overview

Client since 2010

The Golding Group helps clients with audience development, strategy, systemization, and internal/external Communication. They develop strategies, determine the most effective action plans, and then execute them.

The challenge

For many years now, we’ve collaborated with Kyle Golding with The Golding Group, even before he started his current agency. He’s helped us with some planning and been the talent in video work we’ve done. He’s actually in our “Half Dozen Club,” which means we’ve made six or more websites for him over the years. He was the first guest on a podcast we produced years ago. We’ve even shared the stage after winning awards for projects we collaborated on!

Not long ago, Kyle began working on an unusual project for his agency. It unexpectedly ended up being a highly technical project. His client was non-technical, and while Kyle was far more technically savvy than his client, he soon found himself in over his head.

He quickly called Tim.

How we've helped

Immediately dropping everything, Tim spent an hour on the phone with Kyle. After the hour, Tim was able to determine exactly what had happened:

  • Two copies of WordPress had been installed on a single domain.
  • The copy of WordPress with the new website was no longer accessible because of a configuration error.
  • The domain had been blacklisted by a few providers and inaccessible to some people as a result.

Kyle was in a time crunch, so Tim jumped into action that day to get things working.

First, he dealt with the new website not being accessible. He accessed the database directly and made the configuration changes needed on the new website to make it accessible again.

Next, he dealt with the extra copy of WordPress. he removed the extra copy and made the new website the default website.

Finally, he attacked the blacklist issue. He was able to get the domain removed from the blacklists, making it accessible to everyone again.

Kyle has been great to work with over the years, and we look forward to working with him for years to come!

Kyle Golding

We were working on a less-than-typical project for a non-technical client, and (to put it bluntly) I screwed up a bunch of things. I had messed it up beyond my ability to fix it, so I called my go-to guy Tim at Backslash Creative.

Even though the problem was all of my own doing, Tim dropped what he was working on to help me. We talked through the problems, Tim identified the technical issues that evaded me and put a rescue plan in place. Tim could have easily told me to wait until he had free time, but he knows how fast a down website would harm my client.

Tim went right to work fixing the problem, communicated with me all day long and worked well past 5:00pm to get all of my mistakes fixed and the site back online. His dedication to doing what’s right and what’s best for the client is irreplaceable.

Highly recommend!

Kyle Golding

The Golding Group

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