Become a Backslash Creative

Want to work with our awesome team? Apply now, even if we're not currently looking!

Job Application

We would love it if you applied for a job! We typically interview well before positions are available, because we like to move quickly and hire someone we've already talked to. Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.


Social Media

Optional, but highly suggested. We do provide social media services, after all.

Applying For

What do you want to be when you grow up?
What position(s) are you applying for?(Required)

Geek Test

Answer every question in this section. We encourage Work-Life balance and want people to get along at Backslash. Don't freak out though, this is open book/google/geeky friend sitting near by.
Which character do you think your friends & family would say you're most like, in terms of personality?



Max. file size: 60 MB.
Max. file size: 60 MB.


Want to improve your chances? Consider including the following in your portfolio:
- Code samples
- Links to where any resulting programs or web page can be seen or downloaded
- Both print & online design
- Links to where any resulting designs can be seen online
- Non-fiction writing samples
- Fiction writing samples (though we don't do much of that here, we like reading them!)
- Links to where any of your content can be seen or downloaded online
- Photos in the PDF (not your favorite format for photos, we understand)
- Links to where any photos can be seen online
- Descriptions of video projects
- Links to where any projects can be seen or downloaded