
Articles written by Holly Kosec

How I Learned to Bring My Business Cards With Me Everywhere

By Holly Kosec | August 13, 2013

Every so often, you may find yourself in a situation where you can proudly say that something, at some point in your life, prepared you for what you were dealing with at the time. Whether that’s having learned to interact with others in a social setting in kindergarten, or hands-on training in college, it all added up to make you who you are today. Everything you learned prepared you for that moment. This is not one of those kinds of stories.

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Do You Qualify for a Free WordPress Upgrade?

By Holly Kosec | August 6, 2013

It’s that time again! Every month this year since January we have been celebrating our 10th anniversary in business, and this month we have something awesome for all of our current and past clients.

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It’s a 10th Anniversary Celebration!

By Holly Kosec | July 9, 2013

It’s officially July, and that can only mean one thing. It’s not that it’s about to get really hot outside, or that it’s officially summer. It’s not that the United Status turned 237 or 2013 (yes, some people apparently thought this!). It’s not that Despicable Me 2 is finally out, or that Darren Criss’ first movie will soon be out. No, it’s not any of those things.

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Have You Fixed Your YouTube Channel?

By Holly Kosec | June 11, 2013

Several months ago, YouTube rolled out some new changes to their YouTube channels. You had the option of whether or not to switch to the new “One Channel” design, but as of June 5th, 2013, the change has been applied to all channels. If you haven’t fixed your channel’s branding, it may not look very professional right now. So it’s time to get your channel back up to snuff!

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Mobile May Madness!

By Holly Kosec | May 1, 2013

If you’ve been following along this year, you’ll know we have been celebrating our 10th year anniversary every month this year with giveaways, specials, and contests. This month we have an especially awesome offer for any of our current clients, as well as new clients. We’ve dubbed it Mobile May Madness! (Not to be confused with March Madness)

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April 2013 Million Dollar Giveaway Winner

By Holly Kosec | April 23, 2013

All this year, we have been having giveaways, specials, and contests for our 10 Years of Awesomeness Celebration. April is no different! We started out on April 1st with our Million Dollar Giveaway. The plan was to give away a million dollars to one lucky organization, but we got stopped halfway through our video by Tim’s wife, Leann. It turns out we don’t really have those kinds of resources (yet).

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One Million Dollar Giveaway

By Holly Kosec | April 1, 2013

Each month this year we have had great offers and giveaways that people can take advantage of in honor of our 10-year anniversary, and April is no exception. In fact, we are pretty sure we have outdone ourselves this time. April’s giveaway is nothing short of totally awesome. We are, in fact, giving away one million dollars.

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The ReProject’s Pizza with Purpose

By Holly Kosec | March 5, 2013

One of the awesome things about working with so many non-profit organizations is that we get the premiere scoop of when they have something cool going on. The ReProject is a non-profit organization that we are currently in the process of creating a new website for, and so we were pumped to hear about their fundraiser.

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Facebook design showcase from January’s special

By Holly Kosec | February 26, 2013

In celebration of our 10-year anniversary, for the month of January we gave all current clients the opportunity to cash in on a free social media design of their choice for their organization or business. Since we had so many great ones, we decided to show off a few clients who have brand-spanking new Facebook designs.

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We have a winner for our Cheesecake Factory giveaway!

By Holly Kosec | February 13, 2013

Last week we opened up a giveaway for a $50 gift card to The Cheesecake Factory. We had a total of 86 people enter to win, and just in time for Valentines Day tomorrow, we have picked a winner! In order to ensure we are as fair as possible (and possibly to avoid death threats),…

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