So you want to host a Facebook event?

By Chloé Gee on November 28, 2018

By Chloé Gee on November 28, 2018

Facebook is a great way to spread the word about an event for your organization. But as with anything else on social media, you want to make sure you include the right information to make your event a success. Here are some best practices that can help you maximize effectiveness for promoting your event on Facebook.

Things you will need:

  • A cover photo that’s 1920×1080 pixels.
  • A short, easy to say, and easy to remember event name.
  • The type of event, such as conference, networking, meet-up, fundraiser, etc.
  • Time, date, and location.
  • Links to purchase tickets or learn more.
  • Short description to let people know the mission or goal of the event.
  • The tags and keywords people might search to find your event.

Once you’ve completed the basic information for your event, you can start working on the sharing and promoting part of the process. There are three basic ways to share and promote your event.

Posting about the event

According to Facebook, an event that sends out multiple notifications to its audience may actually hurt engagement as people tend to turn off notifications if they receive too many. Instead, think about using other avenues to spread the word, such as email marketing, event apps, or posting about the event on your timeline.

Before posting about your event, remember that half of Facebook users only log in on mobile devices. So whatever you decide to create, make sure the titles are short, the images are clear, and everything fits well on a small screen.

Boosting the event

Another option is to pay to boost the event from your page. This can be a good option if you aren’t comfortable creating ads on Facebook or if you only need a little bit of a boost for your event. You can boost the event from your event page and select if you are trying to “increase ticket sales” or “reach more people.” Then choose your budget and schedule.

Running a Facebook ad

Finally, we come to ads for Facebook events. Types of ads include photos, videos, carousels of photos or videos, slideshows, collections (like a slideshow listing products for sale and their descriptions in different layouts), and ads shown within the Messenger app. Photo ads are the simplest way to get your message across quickly.

For more information on creating ads, consider reading up on the subject on Facebook Business. Or you could consult with a great agency called T&S Online Marketing!

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