24 Facebook cover photo examples

By Holly Kosec on December 30, 2014

By Holly Kosec on December 30, 2014

For small organizations, it’s easy to put up a Facebook cover photo, then forget about it while it get stale. However, changing it out from time to time can help get additional attention to your organization.

But what should you change it to? Let’s take a look at examples from 24 different companies and brands, grouped by strategies.

The common strategies I’ve seen were to provide a call to action, express company culture, advertise products and services, or simply employ creative design.

Call To Action

Having a call to action in your Facebook cover photo is a great way to call attention to a particular product or service, a cause your company is supporting, or special deals that you may be offering.

Company Culture

Company culture expresses the values, beliefs, and vision that a company holds near and dear to their hearts. Some of these company’s have created a very prominent culture around the way they do things. For example, Buffalo Wild Wings makes a point to be everyone’s stop on game nights.

Products & Services

This one is pretty simple: product placement. Put what you’re selling or offering on display so that people can see it.

Creative Design

You can almost never go wrong with a strong, creative design. Some of them still convey the business’s products or culture, but the main focus is on the design being appealing and well thought-out.

Ready to start off the new year with a fresh design for your Facebook page, but want professional help? Contact us to see if we’re a good fit!

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